Yayh, I know, creepy long title, huh o.Ô
Read on and you'll figure out why...(beware...picture heavy)
After I had my epiphany about upcycling my wardrobe, I picked my first project.
I'ts a jacket I bought this summer in Bavaria (speaking of epiphanies, the jacket reminded me of Sweeney Todd, so I had to buy it ^^), but it's so tight at the arms, that it hurts -.-
So I'll take the sleeves of and I've never been satisfied with the way the collar looks, so I've made some sketches when I couldn't sleep:
What do you think? Any version better than the other? (forget the little fascinator in the left corner, it's another idea I have ^^)
At the moment I don't like the red striped one soo much (part of it is, that it would be a lot of work to line the collar new XD)
I still have some time left to think and then to get to work...we'll see =)
Anyway, I never came around to show you my new workspace.
After my birthday at the end of September I went straight to Ikea to get big plastic boxes and other stuff to organize my little sewing corner in my room. I couldn't stand it to have my fabric all stashed up in my small drawer, it always got stuck and I didn't knew what kind of fabric and how much of it I had.
So I took all my sewing and fashion design books from the shelves to replace them with my huge plastic boxes filled with fabric.

I also bought my first serger !!! and I love it so much, I don't know how I survived without the rolled hem, or the neat way it serges the edges <3<3<3
Unfortunately the boxes are really heavy, I barely manage to get them down and put them up myself again -.- So maybe I'll make another trip to ikea to buy some smaller boxes, dunno yet.
the shelves over my bed where always filled with my random books and novels I don't really read anymore. But since
bookcrossing there is nothing to bother me anymore and my fashion design and sewing books and of course my burda magazines (blue folders) took their place
I like to work in an organized environment. Creative chaos can be fun, but only when you're not searching anything desperately ^^
This leads me to my next headline: the fast and easy way I organized my earrings (really it took me only 15 minutes!)
Ok I'll admit, it's not the smartest and most beautifull way I hung it up, but it was the fastest...
all I used was an embroidery hoop I covered in pink tulle and some black duct tape to secure it ;-P
And last but not least, I had some free time at hand and sifted through
100 Ideas to Spark you into Creative Action again.
I always liked
no. 11 but could never find those watersoluble crayons (it was oil pastells, wasn't it?) Anyhow today I couldn't wait any longer and went for a real search. Fortunately I could locate
similar crayons at
boesner, an art speciatlist shop close-by (one reason I'm always broke -.-)
30 colors i totally fell in love with =)
For my taste there are too many gray colored crayons and much too less green ones, but hey, I can still buy them separately when I need more. I couldn't wait to try them, so here are my results: one picture before I used water and one after
I really like to
doodle and to be inspired by other creations like this one
here or
here (one
sketch was so great, that I all but copied it ^_^)
I hope you've enjoyed todays post, cause I did ^^
I'll go and doodle some more, those crayons are really fun.